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Blitz Games Studios' indie developer label expands with new games signed and Neil Holmes appointed.

13th October 2009. Leamington Spa, UK. The Blitz 1UP label from Blitz Games Studios Ltd has been going through a very active phase of late, with 3 new titles signed, 4 more green-lit and new staff appointed all in the last month.

“The response to the programme has been fantastic.” Says Chris Swan, Business Development Director for Blitz Arcade and 1UP. “Since we launched the label last November take-up has steadily increased, and we’re hugely excited with the new games and teams that we have lined up.”

One of the latest titles signed up with the label is Mole Control from new developer Remode Limited, with more info on this addictive and colourful 3D puzzler to be announced shortly.

With the rapid increase in interest, Blitz 1UP has bolstered the division with the appointment of Neil Holmes as Producer. “I’m delighted to be working alongside Chris on the Blitz 1UP initiative,” says Neil, an industry veteran of 19 years. “With the increase in resources and new processes that we’re putting in place we’re now able to fully scale up the programme to the next level.”

In a show of support for independent developers Blitz 1UP is attending and sponsoring the inaugural IndieVillage at this year’s GameCity Festival in Nottingham. As well as showing show some of its new titles Chris and Neil will also be on hand to give advice and look at demos from teams wanting to get their games to market. Check out for details.

If you’d like more info or want to meet with Chris or Neil at either GameCity or Casual Connect Kiev please contact

Press enquiries: Alison Beasley, Lincoln Beasley PR

T: +44 (0) 1608 645756 E:

About Blitz 1UP:

The Blitz 1UP initiative was launched in 2008 as an outlet for small, independent teams to bring their titles – finished and unfinished – to market on XBLA, PSN, PC, WiiWare, iPhone and Flash. The scheme offers tailor-made packages to indie developers including PR, QA and access to its established distribution channels. The initiative provides a wide range of services, from design and production advice through to assistance with finding distribution and publishing partners.

About Blitz Games Studios:

Blitz Games Studios is based in Leamington Spa and was founded in 1990 by industry veterans Andrew and Philip Oliver. Now has more than 210 staff its six divisions encompass mature titles (Volatile Games), Serious Games (TruSim), family titles (Blitz Games), proprietary middleware (BlitzTech), downloadable games (Blitz Arcade) and education division (Blitz Academy).

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