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Web is the future of gaming, says Cousins

DICE's executive producer believes the web will be the gaming platform of the future

Ben Cousins, executive producer at DICE and senior producer for the free to play online game Battlefield Heroes, has told that he believes the web will be "the big platform of the future".

During an interview, Cousins talked about the dominant role that he believes the internet and browser based games will take in the future of the games industry.

"People talk about which of the two, PlayStation or Xbox, is going to be the big platform of the future," Cousins said.

"I think the web is going to be the big platform of the future, whether it's running on an iPhone or a Mac or on the PC."

In a response to a question about the possibility of a 'one console future' Cousins answered, "Yes and it's going to be the web, and it doesn't care if it runs on a phone or runs on a Mac or the PC."

Cousins' comments echo those of respected designer Raph Koster, who in February pointed to the reach and ubiquitous nature of Flash games as evidence that the "web is kicking in the console industry's ass."'s full interview with Ben Cousins will be available next week.

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