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SCEA establishes PlayStation-edu

SCEA will make PSP and PS2 development kits and documentation available to colleges and universities

SCEA has unveiled the PlayStation-edu program, allowing universities and colleges access to PS2 and PSP development kits.

Qualified schools will need to purchase the hardware and sign legal agreements with Sony in order to gain access to the software, SDK, documentation, demo code and samples and web site support.

The program is not intended as a general game creation program, but is for computer science and engineering teachers who want to use the development kits in their classes to teach students how the PlayStation hardware works.

SCEA said that it wants to make sure that students who are graduating from college are ready to program on PlayStation hardware.

"We expect this program to be a great tool to teach students about the PlayStation platforms," said Mark Danks, senior manager, developer support, said on the PlayStation blog.

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