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PSP tops Japan hardware charts

While the release of the PSP Slim and Lite in Japan has reignited hardware sales of the console, numbers for other platforms dropped further, according to the latest retail data from Media Create.

While the release of the PSP Slim and Lite in Japan has reignited hardware sales of the console, numbers for other platforms dropped further, according to the latest retail data from Media Create.

Sales of the PSP, which in the figures isn't divided into individual SKU, hit nearly 280,000 in the week ending September 23 - that's up from 95,000 the previous week, and far more than normal chart-topper, Nintendo DS, on just over 70,000.

In fact most of the other platforms dipped once again as, with the PSP aside, hardware numbers continued to tail off.

The PlayStation 3 dropped by 18 per cent on the previous week, while sales for the PlayStation 2 dipped by 13 per cent, the DS by 12 per cent, and the Wii 5 per cent.

The only console to buck the trend, other than the PSP, was the Xbox 360, which saw sales jump by over a third - although that only represented a increase of about 400 additional consoles, to a total of 1687.

The hardware sales list in full:

1. PlayStation Portable: 277,794

2. Nintendo DS: 70,523

3. Nintendo Wii: 24,992

4. PlayStation 2: 11,373

5. PlayStation 3: 10,732

6. Xbox 360: 1687

7. Game Boy Advance: 382

8. Nintendo GameCube: 15

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