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Nintendo: 76 Wii games have sold in excess of 1m copies

UPDATE: DSi XL gets March release date in US; Mario Galaxy 2 launching in May

Nintendo has said that 76 Wii titles have now sold in excess of 1 million copies - 22 of which are first-party developed games and 54 of which were made by third-parties.

And 108 DS titles have also reached the milestone, with 45 first-party and 63 third-party games selling over a million worldwide, according to Dan Adelman, Nintendo's head of business development, speaking at the company's Media Summit in San Francisco yesterday.

In terms of the online libraries for Nintendo systems, Virtual Console now has 347 titles, WiiWare has 189, and DSiWare 127, reports VG247.

The same press event also bore news of the US release dates for the DSi XL and Nintendo's core releases for the first half of 2010.

The new larger-screened DSi will be released in North America on March 28, Nintendo confirmed, at a retail price of $189.99 (£124).

Like in Japan, the console will come with some pre-loaded software - in the the case of the US launch that will be Brain Age Express: Arts & Letters, Brain Age Express: Math and Photo Clock, the DSi browser and Flipnote Studio applications.

Game announcements included the awaited release date for Super Mario Galaxy 2, which was pinned for May 23 in the US, reported Gamasutra.

Team Ninja's Metroid: Other M was dated for June 27, Capcom's Monster Hunter Tri for April 20 and Treasure's Sin and Punishment: Star Successor for June 7.

Nintendo also confirmed it would publish Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies in North America this summer.

UPDATE: Nintendo Europe has announced that Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be released in the UK on June 11, Monster Hunter Tri April 23, Sin & Punishment 2 May 7, and Metroid: Other M a third quarter release.

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