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Half a million DS units sold in Europe

More than 500,000 Nintendo DS consoles have been sold in Europe since launch, according to the latest figures released by Nintendo, with Super Mario 64 DS the best-selling game across the territory.

More than 500,000 Nintendo DS consoles have been sold in Europe since launch, according to the latest figures released by Nintendo, with Super Mario 64 DS the best-selling game across the territory.

The new handheld, which features dual touch screens and wireless multiplayer gaming, was rolled out on March 11. By Easter Sunday, consumers had snapped up 77 per cent of the units allocated to stores for launch.

Nintendo says games sales have also been "outstanding". More than 250,000 copies of Super Mario 64 DS have been shifted, and the title currently stands at no. 9 in the all formats charts. Sales of WarioWare Touched! are also said to be "extremely strong".

"The launch of Nintendo DS in Europe has been a huge success. European gamers have embraced the Nintendo DS and have left no doubt that it is the new must-have console," said Nintendo's senior director of European marketing, Jim Merrick.

"Nintendo set out to create a new way of handheld gaming, offering an innovative and enjoyable experience and with the new Nintendo DS, we have certainly accomplished this."

Nintendo is expecting strong sales to continue with the release of games such as Yoshi Touch & Go, Need for Speed Underground 2 and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, all hitting the shelves in May.

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Ellie Gibson: Ellie spent nearly a decade working at Eurogamer, specialising in hard-hitting executive interviews and nob jokes. These days she does a comedy show and podcast. She pops back now and again to write the odd article and steal our biscuits.